
The art of washing your face

Face washing seems so simple… why are we doing it all wrong.

Are you confused about face washing and what product to use?

There are so many different types of face washing, devices, scrubs and cleansing cloths but yet we are still getting break outs and having issues with our skin. Your not alone here, there is no need for special devices, cleansing cloths, or scrubs to ensure you wash your face right. It is real simple, let us show you how…follow the five simple steps below:

  1. Wash your hands first before you start washing your face, dirty hands washing your face only adds to the bacterial content on your face. Warm, soapy water is more than adequate for this, nothing special here.
  2. Get rid of the face wipes or devices, they only irritate and damage the skin more, more often than not they don’t remove all your makeup. They also dry out the skin, which only encourages further breakouts. Stop using them.
  3. Pick out the right cleanser for your skin: We recommend three different brands depending on your skin – (See Below).
  4.  Cleansing requires a little more than 10 secs of your time, we recommend at least 30 secs x 2. Cleanse the first time and wash off, then re-cleanse again. The reason we say this, every time we give our clients facials we always cleanse twice. It always amazes me, that on the second round there is always some residual makeup or dirt on the face. Doing it twice ensures that you remove everything, leaving your skin soft supple, ready for its serums and moisturiser.
  5.  The final step is to dry with a clean towel, not the one you dried your body with, that will only introduce bacteria back onto your face. Dry it with a clean towel.
    Your whole face routine should only take 2-3 mins, this ensures that your face is clean and will reduce the breakouts and further skin damage.
Skin Medica Facial cleanser

Removes environmental pollutants, excess oil and makeup, and hydrates and refreshes skin. It is appropriate for all skin types

Xcell Harmony Cleanser

This cleanser is a very effective desensitising cleanser that thoroughly removes all surface impurities and make-up, while gentle enough to remove eye make-up too. It is certified organic.

Xcell Antioxidant Cleanser

This cleanser is a purifying and revitalising cleanser gentle enough for sensitive skins. It is certified organic.

Organic Nation (organic range) Citrus foaming cleanser

A sublime citrus foaming milk cleanser infused with grapefruit, lemon and mandarin essential oils designed to enliven and cleanse your skin on a daily basis. The citrus essential oils provide mild antiseptic benefits ensuring your skin is clear of environmental pollutants. This light milk cleanser maintains your skin’s natural oils leaving your skin soft and supple 70.5% organic.

We have many options to suit the wants and needs of different people. We assess what you need and what works for you. 

We hope this answers some of your questions, and if you do have any more questions, please contact our team.

Growth Factors and Their Importance in Skin Rejuvenation

Growth factors are naturally occurring proteins capable of stimulating your cells and causing rejuvenation. This helps to maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Daily use of products containing growth factors has been scientifically proven to reduce the appearance of fine lines, improve skin tone and texture. They are NOT Growth Hormones! Aging and sun-damaged skin require these to maintain itself. However, cells in aging skin make fewer growth factors than cells in youthful skin.

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