
Excess Fat

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How does your Digestive Health affect your skin?

Do you experience acne, eczema, dry skin, facial redness, psoriasis and/ or rosacea? These skin conditions are affected by your digestive system, poor gut health and gut functioning. Our skin is the largest organ on our body, it’s also the only organ we can see and touch. Therefore, it can be great indicator of what is going on inside our bodies in relation to our gut.

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Want to look less tired?

Most of us look in the mirror each day, and we notice things that bother us about our face.   Often we do not know where to start in order to maintain or fix the things that bother us.
Instead of treating just areas,  at Luxe Appearance we ask our clients to identify what they are looking to achieve in identifying with key phrases listed below.

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Facial Sculpturing with Dermal Filler for Men, the Lowdown

Facial sculpturing is growing in popularity with men. Men are wanting a more masculine look, and this is the lowdown on how they are doing it. More and more men are seeing the benefits of some subtle enhancement using dermal filler. This is typical in areas such as the jaw, chin, and cheeks.

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