Treatment of delicate areas
It is designed to treat areas non-invasively and is the perfect tool to treat many aesthetic and dermatological indications, and it is safe for all skin types.
What does Plasmage treat?
- Blefaroplasma (Eyelid Hooding, with upper and lower lid)
- Wrinkles/Fine Lines
- Xanthelasma (yellowish fatty deposits around the eye)
- Scars
- Lentigo-sun spots
- Fibroma (Skin Tags)
- Verrucas (Warts)
Plasmage has been designed to treat delicate areas including , particularly around the Eyes but also Scarring, Fine Perioral Lines and Excess Skin. It is first patented Fractional Plasma® for painless treatments and is safe for all skin types and can be used for rejuvenation of skin.
At Luxe Appearance we use Plasmage by Brera which is a medical grade machine and hence provides our clients with a level of safety assurance above other machines on the market.
How does it work?
Plasma sublimation is a revolutionary cosmetic procedure that requires no cutting of the skin, and no injectable anaesthetics.
Plasma is generated when the oxygen and nitrogen in the air between the tip of the device and the skin is ionised. This causes a small electrical arc, which is Plasma.
When plasma contacts the skin it causes a contraction, or sublimation, this tightens and shortens the skin fibres, improving the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and scars.
Following treatment, the wound healing process is stimulated, growth factors are released which causes the fibroblasts to make new collagen and elastin.
The visible results are like those seen with surgery, without the need for a single cut or stitch and more importantly quicker recovery times.
Less downtime
The Fractional Plasma® allows our clients to be treated quickly with the advantage of having less down time than conventional surgery, as well as being less aggressive than other plasma-based devices.
Plasma sublimation process:
– Plasma sublimation is a revolutionary cosmetic procedure that requires no cutting of the skin, and no injectable anaesthetics.
– Plasma is generated when the oxygen and nitrogen in the air between the tip of the device and the skin is ionised. This causes a small electrical arc, which is Plasma.
– When plasma contacts the skin it causes a contraction, or sublimation, this tightens and shortens the skin fibres, improving the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and scars.
– Following treatment, the wound healing process is stimulated, growth factors are released which causes the fibroblasts to make new collagen and elastin.
– The visible results are like those seen with surgery, without the need for a single cut or stitch and more importantly quicker recovery times.
Fractional Plasma offered by Plasmage:
– Plasmage offers fractional plasma, which is less aggressive than other plasma devices due to its precision and control of the temperature generated on the surface of the skin.
– The Plasmage provides effective, quick treatments which have significantly less downtime than conventional surgery.
Non-surgical upper lid blepharoplasty
– Non-surgical blepharoplasty using plasma is rapidly becoming an alternative to surgery without the need for a general anaesthetic.
– The advantages of reduced downtime, risk of damage to the underlying muscles, and risk of scarring. Patients have minimal difficulty in closing their eyes following the procedure, and without the risk to vision.
– As there is no need for general anaesthesia (reactions, blood clots, cardiac and pulmonary complications), it makes it a more affordable to patients.
Patient Selection:
– Patient selection is very important; while plasma is ideal for patients with excessive skin laxity those with a lot of hooding or pronounced subcutaneous fat in the upper lid may still choose surgery for better results.
– Following a full medical history and assessment with photographs, the patient is prepared using skin disinfectant and the application of a topical anaesthetic.
– The topical anaesthetic can be removed after 30 minutes and then the excessive eyelid skin is treated using plasma applied at 0.5mm intervals as individual spots.
– Plasma treatment can be applied either by discrete spots or continuous spraying, however, when treating the delicate skin of the upper eyelids, it is important to leave healthy skin between the spots to allow contraction of the area treated and good wound healing. The patient can open and close the eyes during treatment.
– By applying some pressure on the skin to emphasise the skin laxity, the areas of concern can be treated more effectively.
– Treatment will normally take between 15-20 minutes per eye and results can be seen immediately, although the initial contraction seen may not reflect the final result and often three or more treatments are needed to produce results comparable to a surgical solution.
– Subsequent treatments should occur after a four to six week period. Following treatment, the application of a sun protectant and camouflage is advised
– Following treatment, the patient will have brown spots at all the areas treated with plasma, this is due to carbonisation of the tissue. These resolve over five to seven days and will simply flake off, although patients are warned not to pick these off as this may lead to scarring.
– The following morning after treatment, there may be considerable peri-orbital swelling which resolves over the next 24-48 hours, this may be even longer if both the upper and lower lids are treated at the same time. The recovery period is 7-15 days.
– Non-surgical blepharoplasty using a plasma device is a safe, effective, non-surgical option for the aesthetic practitioner.

Available In-clinic and Online
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